Health and SafetyRoofing is a big business but also comes with big issues such as health and safety. Health and safety is extremely important in modern times. If you do not adhere to the regulations set in place you can be in serious trouble. You could be fined, face court and even in some cases face prison. Many factors need to be considered when dealing with roofing. If you are a retailer or a commercial business and your roof is unsafe it may harm employees, customers or other members of the public. Therefore it should be advised that you regularly maintain your roof and make sure that the standards are correct. When maintaining your roof other factors have to be attributed as well. Such as how staffs are able to access the roof. The most common way of getting round this problem is through the use of erecting scaffolding systems. These are for access and to prevent objects falling off the roof onto the ground. Other things that could be used could be the use of roof access systems. Often used on fragile roofs that are unstable to stand and work on. There are many pieces of information on the exact rules and regulations to do with health and safety, but most firms that you will choose will know these, and will often have health and safety records. Those with the best health and safety records are the best to employ for ease of mind. Another major factor to do with roofing is that asbestos roofs are still quite common in this country and extreme care must be taken with these. Asbestos is now a banned product in the UK. This is due to the fact that the small fibres of asbestos can be inhaled in the lungs, and then this damages the lungs by scarring them, this process is called fibrosis. Any exposure to asbestos is dangerous. Skilled workers are needed when dealing with asbestos. They must know how to deal with asbestos and provided with the correct equipment. This includes work wear which should be a disposable mask and disposable overalls. These must be disposed of as asbestos waste after being used. The asbestos should also be kept wet while working on it. And again asbestos roofs are fragile so care must be taken while working on them.